陈 虹 艺 术 简 历
陈 虹 生于新疆伊犁,毕业于新疆艺术学院国画系,研修于西安美术学院国画系,2007 年结业于中国美术家协会高研班,2008 年于国家画院周韶华工作室精英班结业。中国美术家协会会员,中国山水画研究院副秘书长。
2003年 作品《金秋》获第三届中国书画艺术华表奖大赛优秀奖;作品《红樱桃》在澳门中国画展获银奖。
2004年 作品《春晓》参加“纪念邓小平 100 周年”美术作品展获银奖。
2006年 作品《金秋家园》参加 2006 年全国中国画展入选;作品《金秋》参加“纪念中国美术大师李苦禅诞辰 100 周年”全国中国画展。
2007年 作品《秋韵》参加全国中国画展获优秀奖;作品《我言秋日胜春潮》获中国美协高研班作品展优秀奖并刊登在第9期《美术》杂志;作品《想见故园蔬果好》参加全国工笔重彩作品展入选;作品《在望》参加全国首届中国画线描展入选;作品《金秋田园》、《棕乡情》、《版纳》中国当代实力派国家提名展获优秀奖,并收藏于中国美术家协会厦门创作中心。
2008年 作品《老塘秋色》、《秋韵》参加中国国画大展入选;作品《艳阳天》参加中国美术家协会厦门美术家协会厦门创作中心提名展获优秀奖;作品《黄落山川知秋晚》参加十七大精神放光芒全国书画展,荣获一等奖。
2009年 作品参加了韩中国际美术交流展。
2010年 中国文化产业创新与国家战略发展高层论坛暨中国当代名家作品展,作品《荷风》荣获中国当代名家作品展银奖;《飞来秀色落乾坤》参加上海世博会赢取世博城市之星专题活动,作品编入《百年世博千年圣火全国著名国画家作品集》;为上海世博会尼泊尔国家馆创作国画精品,出版大型画集,并捐赠作品一幅;多幅作品参加了东南亚巡展,并被各国重要机构收藏;山水画作品《江山如此多娇》被法国领事馆收藏。
2011年 在清华美术学院李翔创作室研修。
2012年 4月参加了中国美协主办的中美艺术家作品交流交流活动;10月担任《2012 年百名中国工笔画家提名展优秀作品集》主编。
2013年 4月出版《中国传世名家名作专题邮票》(Chinese ancient masterpieces of famous special stamps);8月出版“科学发展,建设美丽中国(beautiful China)”主题《中国邮册》(China Stamp Album);10月参加《欧洲艺术交流活动》;11月在北京德泰画院举办个人艺术展。
Chen Hong,born in Yili, Xinjiang, graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Xinjiang Arts University and the Chinese Painting Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts successively; Chen completed her advanced postgraduate education at the Chinese Artists Association and the elite training session of Zhou Shaohua studio under the China National Art Academy of Painting respectively in 2007 and 2008. Now she is member of the Chinese Artists Association and Deputy Secretary-General of the Institute of Chinese Landscape Painting。
2003: Golden Autumn won the Award of Excellence in the third Huabiao Competition of
Chinese Painting and Calligraphy;
2003: Red Cherry won the Silver medal in the Chinese Painting Exhibition in Macau;
2004: Early Spring won the Silver Award in the Art Exhibition to commemorate the 100th
anniversary of Deng Xiaoping;
2006: Autumn of the Homeland was presented at the 2006 National Chinese Painting
2006: Golden Autumn was presented at the National Chinese Painting Exhibition to
commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Chinese art master Li Kuchan;
2007: Rhyme of Autumn won the Excellence Award in the National Chinese Painting
2007: I Say Autumn Is Better Than Spring won the Excellence Award of the advanced
postgraduate class at the Chinese Artists Association, published in the Art magazine
(Issue No. 9);
2007: Fruits and Vegetables of My Hometown was selected for the National Exhibition of
Meticulous Deep-color Painting;
2007: Prospect was selected for the First National Line Drawing Exhibition of Chinese
2007: Autumn Pastoral and Nostalgia of Xishuangbanna won the Excellence Award of the
Nominated Contemporary Chinese Artists Exhibition and joined the collections at the
Xiamen Creation Center under the China Artists Association;
2008: An Old Pond in Autumn and Rhyme of Autumn were selected for the Chinese Painting
Expo of China;
2008: A Sunny Day won the Excellence Award of the Nominated Works Exhibition at the
Xiamen Creation Center under the China Artists Association;
2008: Mountains and Rivers with Yellow Leaves in Late Autumn won the first prize in the
national painting and calligraphy exhibition to celebrate the 17th CPC National Congress;
2009: attended the Korea-China International Art Exchange Exhibition;
2010: at the China Development Forum on Innovation in the Cultural Industry and the
National Strategy, and at the Masterpiece Exhibition of Famous Contemporary Artists,
Lotus Wind won the Silver Medal;
2010: Heavenly Beauty Falling to the Land was selected for the special event of the World
Expo City Star for the Shanghai World Expo and incorporated into the Portfolio of Famous
Chinese Painters in Memory of the Centennial Expo and the Millennium Torch;
2010: creation of Chinese painting for the Nepal Pavilion for Shanghai World Expo, with
the collections published and one of the works donated;
2010: Several works were presented at the tour exhibition across Southeast Asia and kept
by influential institutions;
2010: landscape painting This Land Is So Rich and Beautiful was kept by the French
2011: Soul of Mount Everest and Ode to the Icy Mountain won an award at the collective
exhibition of the advanced postgraduate class of the Academy of Art Design, Tsinghua
2012: attended the Sino-US Artists Exchange Exhibition sponsored by the Chinese
Artists Association;
2012: as chief editor of the Collections of the Exhibition of Outstanding Works
by100 Nominated Chinese Meticulous Painters;
2013: participated in the European Art Exchange Initiative;
2013: solo art exhibition at the Beijing Detai Painting Academy;
2013: published The China Stamp Album, with the theme of “Building a Beautiful
China through Scientific Development”;
2014: published The Special Stamps of Masterpieces of Famous Ancient Chinese
作品推广 : 墨艺文化 https://shop.artron.net/9999 济南墨艺文化传媒有限公司 13853100230(微信)
《泉水山间水环树》198x97cm 润格:协商
《高原冰川》 68x68cm 《明月出天山》 68x68cm
《云锁青山》 68x97cm 《林中小舍》68x68cm
《扁舟载鹤归》 68x136cm 《秋风红兮百草》(2008年中国画展获奖作品)97x197cm
《天山积雪冻初融·哈密雙城》 225x68cm 润格:协商
《风雪帕米尔》 255x80cm 润格:协商
《天山积雪冻初融》 255x80cm 润格:协商
《密林深处》 370x145cm 润格:协商
《幽居图》 68x138cm 润格:协商
《春云出岫》 68x138cm 润格:协商
《春山何似秋山好》 197x97cm 润格:协商