杜 璞 艺 术 简 历
杜 璞 97届研究生毕业于南京艺术学院。师从沈行工教授,并受益于苏天赐、张华清教授,2002年游学于澳大利亚,并于帕斯市市政大厅举办油画写生展,2007年于德国杜塞尔多夫、波霍尔特等四城市举办《良辰美景—牡丹亭·记》杜璞油画展,一直致力于中国油画民族化的探索与研究。作品参加2001年《研究与超越—全国小幅油画展》、《第三届全国油画展》等国内外重要画展,并于2001、2003、2005年连获《江苏省油画大展》(双年展)优秀奖(最高奖)。为联合国第28届世界遗产大会唯一特展画家,中国北京国家大剧院首位个展画家,中国的世界文化与自然遗产专业画家。
Personal resume
Dupu, majored in oil painting, post graduated from Nanjing Arts Institute in 1997. He studied under famous painting professors, Shen Xinggong, Su Tianci and Zhang Huaqing. He was an exchange visitor to Australia, and held an oil painting exhibition at Perth town hall in 2002. Later in 2007, he had an oil painting, “A beautiful scene- Peony Pavilion”, in Dusseldorf, Bocholt and other two cities in Germany. He was awarded the “oil painting exhibition in Jiangsu Province” (Biennial) Excellence Award (the highest award) in 2001, 2003, and 2005. Dupu was chose to be the only painter of the special exhibition for the 28th United Nations General Assembly session of the world Heritage. He was the first painter to hold individual exhibition in Beijing National Grand Theatre. Also, he was the professional painter of China’s World Heritage.
杜璞作品推广 : 中国名家书画馆 名家书画网 13853100230(微信) http://shop.artron.net/9999
杜璞油画 《耦园长廊》50x60cm